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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Web 2.0 Cool Tools for Schools

Here is yet another site chocked full of Web 2.0 tools for teachers. This site provides you with endless lists of tools for presentations, research, collaboration tools, video tools, slideshow tools, tools for audio, images, drawing, music, organization tools, mapping, quiz and poll tools, graphing, and creativity tools. I actually even left a few out because the list is so long!  This site is your one-stop shop for access to a huge variety of Web 2.0 tools - most are absolutely FREE, and we ALL like free stuff, right?

Since this is a Web 2.0 tools type of site, as expected, the Collaboration Tools section is pretty impressive. You could spend hours on this one page alone! Everything you need to set up a collaborative environment for your students (or yourself) can be found here.  Pick several and try them out before you commit to just one though. Each of these resources has their own individual unique qualities and you need to find the one that works best with your style of collaboration.  I'm sure everyone can find something they can use here!

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